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Ready for a Glimpse of AI's Latest Breakthroughs?

Inside the Fierce Battle of Tech Giants to Redefine Innovation

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Hey there, Bestie! Welcome back to Your weekly FREE AI Update!

This week: Big moves in AI from major players, the harmony of best AI in music, and "Syllaby"—your guide to monetizing AI content. Thanks to our sponsors, Vanta and Prompt Engineering Daily; their support is crucial, so please check out their adverts. Don't miss: Our "Elite Club" which was launched last Thursday for Premium subscribers, offering exclusive perks and insights. Dive in for your quick AI fix! Thanks for popping in 😊😊

 The Fierce battle of Tech Giants to
Redefine Innovation

  • Big news for Reddit users! Your posts, memes,and cat pictures are about to become part of Google's AI research.Reddit has just sealed a $60M deal with Google 

  • Stable Diffusion 3 Released: The new AI art generation model from Stability AI claims significantly improved performance.

  • Google just unveiled Gemma, a new open-source family of AI Models

  • X and Midjourney Partnership: A strategic collaboration between X (formerly Twitter) and Midjourney focuses on integrating AI art into social media platforms, showcasing the growing intersection of AI and digital communication.

  •  Groq's Super Fast AI Chip: Groq introduces a powerful AI chip that outperforms competitors, setting a new standard for AI processing speed and efficiency.

  • OpenAI Sora -Microsoft confirms OpenAI’s Sora will eventually be integrated with Copilot. A specific timeline for integration remains unclear.

  •  AI Innovations by Adobe: Adobe introduces AI-powered features in Acrobat, showcasing the application of AI in streamlining document processing and enhancing user experiences.


Latest Trending AI Tools





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Best AI Music Generators
(February 2024)

AI is revolutionizing music production, mastering, and streaming, offering new creative possibilities for amateurs and complementing human creators. Professionals are exploring AI's role in music by replicating composers' techniques and generating new tracks through machine learning. Many open-source AI resources are available for broad usage and improvement.

Amper Music 
Top of the list of best AI music generators. Does not require deep knowledge of music theory or composition to use, as it creates musical tracks from pre-recorded samples
Leverages the power of AI to generate royalty free background music at the click of a button for your videos, streams, podcasts and much more.
Suno AI : AI Song & Music Generator 
The future of music, where AI and creativity harmonize to create a symphony of endless possibilities

 Syllaby.IO 😀
Click Here to Try Free and learn how
to make money with content creation


A Newsletter You’ll Love: Stay Ahead on the Business of AI

Need ONE newsletter to stay on top of everything?

Prompts daily has only the most important AI news, insights, tools and workflows.

The newsletter is known to:

  • Make you more productive at work

  • Introduce you to valuable and useful AI tools/workflows

  • Help you look smarter in front of your friends (seriously!)

It’s also free to sign up!


Shift Left: How to Turn Security into Review

In the competitive landscape of software business, optimizing processes and leveraging efficiencies can make a significant difference in building a strong pipeline and closing revenue faster. 

  • Apply the DevOps principles of “shifting left” to position security as a differentiator — instead of a hurdle

  • Center security in your sales conversations at every stage to proactively remove roadblocks to revenue

  • Invest in your security story by making it easy for buyers to access security-related information

Vanta helps SaaS businesses of all sizes manage risk and prove security in real time.

Elite AI In Heels Club: First Issue Out Now!

It was packed with Premium AI & Tech Courses, Side Hustle Tips, Social Media Automation, Affiliate Marketing Hacks & opportunities. Our first issue dropped last Thursday, packed with actionable insights to boost your career and earnings.
Missed it? For a glimpse of what’s inside and what to expect, leave a comment or reply with "Free Trial Access."
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 A special welcome gift awaits - A 36 page E-Book
Power Up Your Workday with ChatGPT

Don't miss out. See what the Elite AI In Heels Club offers for your growth. Welcome aboard!

Your Exclusive AI Perks🌟

1. Welcome Gift: You should have received your Free ChatGPT Guide in your email within 24hr of signing up, packed with 20 Advanced Prompts to leverage expert strategies in making money online.
2. Monthly Prizes: Chance to win exclusive rewards each month when you
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3.Google's Course: Introduction to Generative AI.

Your feedback shapes this newsletter, making it better and worthwhile for all. Please tell us what you want to see in the next issue. Feel free to share it with others who might find it useful! To stay updated with our AI insights, please move our emails to your primary inbox.

 Malu Montenegro
 Creator of AI in Heels

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