AI In Heels Newsletter

AI Lifestyle Guide: Catch the Latest AI News & Useful Tools you didn’t know you needed! 🌐🔍👠"

Catch the Latest AI News & Useful Tools you didn’t know you needed!


Hello there, Happy New Year 2024!

Welcome to the first edition of "AI in Heels," your all-access pass to the AI wonderland – and it's on us, no strings attached! You are receiving this exclusive invite because you're a valued part of my online network. Consider this your golden key to supercharging your digital journey this year with AI, and we're keeping it simple, engaging, and jargon-free.

Many of us feel swamped by the AI tsunami, battling FOMO, but have no time to learn, are non-techie, and unsure what to choose. This is exactly why AI in Heels was created. We meticulously select the best, most user-friendly AI tools, perfect for busy bees, AI newbies, savvy solopreneurs, and digital marketers out there. Our goal? To handpick and link the most relevant AI tools for all aspects of life, making them effortlessly easy and handy. Your part? Simply explore and relish this feast of knowledge.

AI IN HEELS Weekly Staples

  • AI Briefs: Snappy, digestible updates.

  • AI Tool of the Week: Showcasing a must-have AI tool.

  • AI Daily: Boosting productivity, balance, and money.

  • AI Spotlight: Diverse, weekly AI use-case features.

  • FREE Digital (AI) Courses: Launching in upcoming editions.

  • Monthly Prizes: Each month, we'll reward 2 lucky winners selected from our active commenters, raters, and sharers!

Your time and inbox space are invaluable to us. Should you find 'AI in Heels' isn't quite what you need, unsubscribing is just a click away – no hard feelings. Our goal is to empower and enlighten, not to overload.

Why not take a peek? Nothing to lose, loads to gain! AI smarts, direct to your inbox. With "AI in Heels," you're not just staying in the loop; you're leaping ahead. Welcome to the family – let's master AI together! 🌟👠

Groundbreaking Tech Revolution - Monthly Breakdown.

Boost Your Efficiency with Time-Saving Tools

Our everyday heroes are armed with AI's magic, turning the ordinary into extraordinary feats of productivity. It's a world where time bends to the will of technology, and every second sparkles with possibility. 🌃🚀🕒

  • Goal: Maximizing your day with AI.

    • Mem - The Ultimate Knowledge Assistant. Your personal AI thought partner. Save, develop, and leverage your own thoughts, with the power of GPT-4

    • Zapier- Connects your apps and services, automating workflows. It moves information between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work.

No Code Tools & Strategies for Your
income Boost

This is where tomorrow's wealth is built, pixel by pixel, idea by idea. 🌆🤖💡

  • Goal: Content Creation: AI tools that can help make money without requiring technical or coding skills:

    • Invideo AI- Create videos with text prompts

      Enter any topic, and invideo AI gets to work. It generates a script, creates scenes, adds voiceovers, & tweaks the video at your command. With invideo AI as your co-pilot, engaging your audience is effortlessly simple.

    • Side Hustle Tips/ Article 

AI for Work-Life Brilliance

  • Juggling work-life balance with AI.

    •  Mealime - is an AI-Powered Meal Planning App. This uses AI to suggest recipes based on dietary preferences and help plan weekly meals for the family.

    • Your AI nutrition and workout coach. Experience personalized health transformation with our AI nutrition and fitness coach, tailored to your unique goals

 Navigating Digital Wellbeing

Let’s dive into some of the most effective AI tools that are helping individuals find their digital Zen, ensuring our screen time is not just productive, but also healthy and fulfilling.

  1. Freedom: This app uses AI to block distracting websites and apps across all your devices. You can schedule focused sessions, allowing Freedom to tailor a distraction-free environment, enhancing your productivity and digital health.

  2.  Headspace: While not entirely AI-driven, Headspace offers guided meditations and mindfulness exercises. Its use of AI comes in personalizing your meditation journey, suggesting sessions based on your mood and previous activities.

  3.  Replika: If you’re looking for AI companionship, Replika offers a personal AI friend trained to chat, learn from you, and provide emotional support. This can be especially helpful for those seeking a mindful break from social media interactions.

  4. Reflectly-is not just an app; it's an AI-powered tool that acts as a personal journal and life coach. It’s designed to make the time spent on your device more meaningful and beneficial to your overall well-being. By combining the principles of positive psychology with AI, Reflectly offers a unique approach to managing and enhancing your digital experience.

    By integrating these AI tools into your daily routine, you can find a healthy balance between the digital and real world. They’re not just tools for productivity but for cultivating a mindful and balanced approach to technology.

Your Exclusive AI Perks
as AI in Heels Inner Circle🌟

1.  Welcome Gift: A Free ChatGPT Guide in your email within 24hrs,
packed with 20 Advanced Prompts to leverage expert strategies in making money online
2. Monthly Prizes: Chance to win exclusive rewards each month when you
rate/share our newsletter.

Share, Engage, and Shine Together

I'm absolutely thrilled to have you with us today! Your feedback and input are incredibly important to me; they help make this newsletter more worthwhile and valuable for everyone. This is my way of saying thanks for your support. Let's master and leverage AI together. By supporting our newsletter, I'm committed to ensuring that no one is left behind and that learning AI doesn't have to cost a fortune to make a fortune.
Please do share this tech journey with your circle, if you find this helpful! And remember, to ensure you never miss out on our trendsetting AI insights, drag our emails to your primary inbox.

Malu Montenegro
Creator of AI in Heels


Need More Help with AI? If you find AI technologies still overwhelming and are looking for assistance with automation, especially for entrepreneurs and small businesses, AIlevate Marketing is here to help. Offering customized AI automation management solutions, specialised in trained chatbots, email marketing, and social media marketing management, with a focus on small businesses and travel companies. Discover how AILevate Marketing can elevate your business – CLICK HERE.

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